Strength in Harmony

The Rainbow Chorus is Brighton and Hove's largest community LGBTQ+ SATB choir.


About us

Welcome to the Rainbow Chorus! We are the largest community LGBTQ+ SATB choir in the south-east outside of London. Based in Brighton & Hove we have been celebrating diversity through music since 1997. We welcome people from all sections of our community.


We offer an enjoyable, supportive and affirming environment for LGBTQ+ members to sing, develop their community spirit and awareness, and enable individuals to develop their talents, skills and confidence.


Through public performance, we enhance the profile of LGBTQ+ people, particularly in Brighton and Hove, and contribute to the quality and range of community events. We believe that singing at events such as World Aids Day and TransPride sends a clear message that we are out and proud and all different. As part of our commitment to the local community, we also support other charities by singing to help them raise funds.


Join the Choir

Anyone who identifies as LGBTQ+ is welcome to join us. There are two ways to join the Rainbow Chorus family:

Join Rainbow Chorus

The Rainbow Chorus is a community choir with high standards that rehearses weekly on a Monday evening with additional rehearsals on some weekends. We have New Members Nights twice a year (January and September) with no obligation to join and no audition, although there is an expectation that you can sing in tune.


Join RC+

If you have less free time, or want to improve your singing voice in a less formal setting, our monthly RC+ sessions are loads of fun and a safe space where you can learn some great songs by ear, with sheet music and lyrics to aid if needed. 

Choir News

"What an evening, what a choir! Strength in… well strength in every sense! It’s an unashamed five [stars] from me."


Andrew Kay,


The brilliant full review is available here:


Being away from our usual home at St George's certainly made the logistics of putting on the show a lot more complicated. The church was cold despite the rocket launcher heater at the back of the space, but the audience put up with the chilly conditions and the very poor access arrangements and generously supported the chorus with the famous raffle and purchasing massive amounts of mulled wine.


Sound and lighting was provided by Sarah Jane Wallace who made St Mary's Church sparkle and brought the songs to life. The glorious BSL interpretation was provided by the ever wonderful Marco Nardi and Sue MacLaine. The chorus was fabulously accompanied by Manuel Meirinhos on bag-pipes, and Siriol Hugh-Jones on cello, along with hand chimes, kazoos, and body percussion by RC members.


Our tremendous muscial director Aneesa Chaudhry and accompanist Olly Parr kept the show going and led the chorus through 19 songs: 


White Winter Hymnal 
Sure On This Shining Night 
Rainbow Connection
A Holly Jolly Christmas 
Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairy - small group
Martha’s Harbour 
White Christmas (audience participation)
Together We Are One

O Magnum Mysterium 
Livin’ On A Prayer 
Winter Song - RC+
Someone You Loved - RC+
Silent Night (audience participation) 
Carol Of The Bells 
Wonderful World / I Love You 
December Will Be Magic Again
O Fortuna 

Til next time!






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Youtube Logo

You can find videos of past performances on our Youtube channel.