"What an evening, what a choir! Strength in… well strength in every sense! It’s an unashamed five [stars] from me."


Andrew Kay, thelatest.co.uk


The brilliant full review is available here: https://thelatest.co.uk/brighton/2024/12/15/the-rainbow-chorus-big-festive-rainbow-bellter/


Being away from our usual home at St George's certainly made the logistics of putting on the show a lot more complicated. The church was cold despite the rocket launcher heater at the back of the space, but the audience put up with the chilly conditions and the very poor access arrangements and generously supported the chorus with the famous raffle and purchasing massive amounts of mulled wine.


Sound and lighting was provided by Sarah Jane Wallace who made St Mary's Church sparkle and brought the songs to life. The glorious BSL interpretation was provided by the ever wonderful Marco Nardi and Sue MacLaine. The chorus was fabulously accompanied by Manuel Meirinhos on bag-pipes, and Siriol Hugh-Jones on cello, along with hand chimes, kazoos, and body percussion by RC members.


Our tremendous muscial director Aneesa Chaudhry and accompanist Olly Parr kept the show going and led the chorus through 19 songs: 


White Winter Hymnal 
Sure On This Shining Night 
Rainbow Connection
A Holly Jolly Christmas 
Dance Of The Sugar Plum Fairy - small group
Martha’s Harbour 
White Christmas (audience participation)
Together We Are One

O Magnum Mysterium 
Livin’ On A Prayer 
Winter Song - RC+
Someone You Loved - RC+
Silent Night (audience participation) 
Carol Of The Bells 
Wonderful World / I Love You 
December Will Be Magic Again
O Fortuna 

Til next time!