The Rainbow Chorus had a blast on Saturday 25th January as they took part in the 200th anniversary celebrations for St George's Church. They kicked off the LGBTQI+ Liberation Concert with eight songs loosely themed around 1960/70s music:


They sang Bring Me Sunshine, Rainbow Connection, May It Be (acapella), Pokarekare Ana, Go West, Bohemian Rhapsody, December Will Be Magic Again and O Fortuna. The chorus to Go West was reprised after Father Andrew insisted the audience join in with the 'precision' armography displayed by the choir. The audience also joined in for a huge, joyous rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody. Well done all! 


The chorus was followed brilliantly by Resound Voices and the Brighton Gay Men's Chorus and there were powerful words about acceptance and love for our community from Father Andrew.


Thank you to the group of RC members who stayed behind and helped dismantle the staging, whilst dancing to Uptown Funk and Reach For The Stars before someone pulled the plug...